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국외가구소득 통계작성기관

연번, 국가, 조사명, 작성기관, 작성주기를 안내하는 국외가구소득 통계작성기관 테이블입니다.

연번 국가 조사명 작성기관 작성주기
1 Australia Survey of Income and Housing Australian Bureau of Statistics 2년
2 Austria EU survey of Income and Living Condition Statistics Austria 연간
3 Belgium EU survey of Income and Living Condition Statistics Belgium 연간
4 Canada Canadian Income Survey Statistics Canada 연간
5 France Enquete Revenus fiscaux et sociaux (Tax and Social Incomes Survey ) Unstitute national de la statistique et des etudes economiques(INSEE) 연간
6 Greece EU survey of Income and Living Condition Helenic Statistical Authority 연간
7 Ireland EU survey of Income and Living Condition Central Statistical Office 연간
8 Japan 국민생활기초조사(Comprehensive Survey of Living Condition of the People on Health and Welfare) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 3년(1년 간이)
9 Luxembourg EU survey of Income and Living Condition national institute of statistics and studies of the economy(STATEC) 연간
10 New Zealand Household Economic Survey Statistics New Zealand 3년(1년 간이)
11 Spain EU survey of Income and Living Condition National Statistics Institute (INE) 연간
12 Swizerland EU survey of Income and Living Condition Office federal de la statistique (OFS) 연간
13 United Kingdom Family Resources Survey Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) 연간
14 United States Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC) U.S. CENSUS Bureau 연간
15 EU EU survey of Income and Living Condition EU, 각 국가 연간
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