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Press Releases

Results of the 2010 Population and Housing Census (Households and Housing Units)

  • Date2011-07-20
Attached File
○ As of November 1st 2010, the number of households totaled 17,574 thousand households. Households in the Capital Area occupied 47.9 percent of the total households. ○ The average household members was 2.69 persons in 2010. Two-person households emerged as a main type of household. ○ The share of aged householders and that of female householders increased at a rapid pace. ○ 47.1 percent of households resided in apartments. This percentage exceeded the percentage of detached dwellings (39.6 percent) for the first time. ○ One-persons households occupied 23.9 percent, up 3.9%p from 20.0 percent in 2005. ○ The multi-cultural households amounted to 387 thousand households. Their average household members marked 2.43 persons. ○ As of November 1st, 2010, the number of housing units totaled 14,677 thousand units. The housing supply ratio stood at 101.9 percent. ○ The share of apartments showed an ever-increasing trend. ※ For more information, refer to the attached file.

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