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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Monthly Survey of Mining and Manufacturing

Survey Type

  • Survey statistics

Type of Statistics

  • Designated statistics (No.101011)


  • To produce the Production Capacity Index, the Manufacturing Capacity Index, and Utilization Rate by measuring the production, shipment and inventory of surveyed items in Mining, Manufacturing, Electricity & Gas and Water Supply industries.


  • Monthly

Target Population

  • The Mining, Manufacturing, Electricity & Gas and Water Supply industries based on the Korean Standard Industrial Classification (10th revision)

Survey Unit and Target Population Size

  • Survey unit: each establishment
  • Target population: around 7,300 establishments

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Data collection period: 1st day to the last day of a month
  • Reference date: the last day of a month


  • Aug. 1957: Produced the Industrial Production Index of 1955 for the first time (The Bank of Korea)
  • Jan. 1969: Transferred the Survey to the Korea Development Bank
  • March 1970: Current Mining and Manufacturing Survey announced as designated statistics (approval No. 10111)
  • July 1970: Transferred the Survey to the National Bureau of Statistics, Economic Planning Board (the predecessor of the Statistics Korea)
  • Index revision as of 1970, 1975 and 1980
  • July 1988: Index revision as of 1985 (drew up the Industrial Production Index by province)
  • March 1993: Index revision as of 1990 (added Gas Supply and drew up seasonally adjusted indexes by province)
  • Oct.1997: Index revision as of 1995 (drew up indices by size of business and type of industry)
  • Dec. 2002: Index revision as of 2000 (drew up the ICT Index of Manufacturing)
  • Feb. 2008: Index revision as of 2005
  • July 2008: Integrated the Survey of Manufacturing Production Capacity & Capacity Utilization Rate
  • Oct. 2008: Changed the survey title into "Monthly Survey of Mining and Manufacturing"
  • Feb. 2010: Added the survey item of an establishment's utilization rate and total output amount
  • Jan. 2013: Added the item of total output of a survey month for flash index and deleted the item of total output amount for utilization rate
  • Feb. 2013: Index revision as of 2010
  • Nov. 2013: Added the survey item of the number of working days in relation to the production of the flash index
  • Dec. 2016: Deleted the survey items of total output and the number of working days in relation to the production of the flash index
  • Mar. 2018: Deleted the survey item of the production capacity of establishments
  • Mar. 2018: Index revision with 2015 as the base year (compiled the chain index and introduced a value-based valuation method)

Survey Item

  • Production, shipment, inventory, amount, production capacity per item, establishment utilization rate, manufacturing status, remark (reason of increase and decrease, characteristics of an establishment)

Survey Method

  • On-site interview by enumerators;
  • Self-completed questionnaires (i.e. CASI or network device)

Survey System

  • Establishment → Surveyor → Regional Offices of Statistics and District Offices of Statistics→ Short-Term Industry Statistics Division of Statistics Korea

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • News releases, Statistics Korea webpage (, KOSIS (

Publication Frequency

  • Monthly

Publication Title

  • Monthly Report: Mining production index, production, shipment, inventory, production capacity, utilization survey
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