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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Household Production Satellite Account

Survey Type

  • Analytic Statistics

Type of Statistics

  • General Statistics (Approval No. 101086)


  • To contribute to making and evaluating growth and welfare policies by estimating unpaid housework and expand the scope of income measurement

Target Population

  • Household production includes housework and personal services that are produced and consumed by households, and voluntary work, which are not included in the National Account.


  • Account items for Household Production Satellite Account
    • Employee remuneration (value of unpaid housework), fixed capital consumption, intermediate consumption, total output


  • Quinquennial


  • 2017: Established a plan for the statistical production of Household Production Satellite Account, collected basic data (Time Use Survey, Survey on Labor Conditions by Employment Type, Household Income and Expenditure Survey, Population Projections, Household Projections, etc.) and calculated estimated figures
  • 2018: Approval for the production of statistics

Compilation Process

  • Collection of basic data (Time Use Survey, Survey on Labor Conditions by Employment Type) → Data processing → Data analysis → Data dissemination

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Press releases, data loading on websites (KOSTAT ( KOSIS (

Publication Frequency

  • Quinquennial

Publication Title

  • Household Production Satellite Account
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