반복영역 건너뛰기

본문 바로가기 주요메뉴 바로가기

Workshop Participation and Registration


  • Along with the Plenary Lecture on the first day of the program, it will feature three independent and consecutive workshops covering topics such as “Introduction to Demography with R”, “Standardization and Decomposition”, and “Fertility and Family”. (see the overview)
  • This year’s program will be conducted hybrid (Plenary Lecture), face-to-face (Workshop 1 and 2) and online (Workshop 3).

Participants Requirements

  • Training and experience in a field relevant to the topic of the workshop(s)
  • Real time online access via participants’ own electronic devices (for Plenary Lecture and Workshop 3)
  • Fluency in English (level of understanding academic lectures)
    *Size of class: around 30 people (for each workshop)


  • Free of charge, will be supported by KOSTAT
  • Responsible for own electronic devices (for online workshops)
  • Responsible for own meals and lodging (for offline workshops)
  • Limited funding (lodging) for full-time graduate students is available (for offline participants)


  • Visit the International Population Statistics Cooperation Project website at http://intpopstat.kr/
  • Registration deadline: June 16, 2023 (KST)
Inquiry Population Census Division at Tel : +82-(0)42-481-3738 / Summer Seminar Secretariat at Tel : +82-(0)70-4466-8030
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