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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Administrative Statistics by Life Cycle

Survey Type

  • Analytic Statistic

Type of Statistics

  • General Statistics (Approval Number 101087)


  • Annual

Target Population

  • Koreans aged 15 or more residing in South Korea as of November 1st of each year and general households consisting of these Koreans
    * Excluding foreigner households, group households and institutional households


  • To provide basic data, which are needed when making policies such as employment and future jobs by life cycle, by compiling statistics that can grasp the actual conditions of the youth (aged 15-39), the middle-aged population aged 40-64 and the elderly (aged 65 or more)

Survey Reference Period and Date

  • Survey Reference Period: Annual
  • Survey Reference Date: November 1st of each year


  • Dec. 2018: Publicized Administrative Statistics on the Population Aged 40~64 in 2017
  • Dec. 2019 ~ Dec. 2022: Publicized Administrative Statistics on the Population Aged 40~64 in 2018~2021
  • Dec. 2023: Publicized Administrative Statistics by Life Cycle in 2022

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Press releases, data uploading on the KOSIS (Korean Statistical Information Service) website (

Publication Frequency

  • Annual
콘텐츠 만족도 조사

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만족도 선택

*0/200자 내외

평균 0.0 0명 참여

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