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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Survey Outline


Survey Name

  • Index of all Industry Production

Survey Type

  • Analytic statistics

Type of Statistics

  • General statistics (Approval No. 101073)


  • To grasp economic changes in a timely manner by compiling the production index of all industries within the same index system, and to provide composite economic indicators. These indicators will be used when checking industrial activities and making major policies.


  • monthly


  • Designated as innovation agenda of national statistics system (Dec. 2005)
  • Designated as the mid-long term (2006~2010) innovation agenda of national statistics system (March 2006)
  • Progress report to the government (Dec. 2008), Progress report to the National Assembly (Feb. 2009)
  • Tabled agenda to the National Statistics Committee (March 2011)
  • Approved the production of the statistics of all industry production (June 2011)
  • Redesigned a base year (Year 2005 → Year 2010) (Feb. 2013)
  • Redesigned a base year (Year 2010 → Year 2015) (Feb. 2018)
  • The index of all industry production is calculated as weighted average of 5 sub indicators including the Agriculture, forestry, and fishery production index (yearly), Index of industrial production, Index of services, Index of construction and Index of public administration.


  • Covers 19 out of 21 categories based on the Korean Standard Industrial Classification (2 categories such as T and U excluded)

Data Provision

Method of Publication and URL

  • Press releases, Data upload to the KOSTAT website (

Publication Frequency

  • Monthly
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