Survey Name
- Income Mobility Statistics
Survey Type
- Analytic statistics
Type of Statistics
- General statistics (Approval No. 101093)
- To provide basic data for policy making and effectiveness analysis, such as improving social mobility and supporting vulnerable groups, by identifying income mobility trends
- Annual
Target Population
- Household members in general households who reside in Korea as of November 1st
Survey Unit and Target Population Size
- Individuals
- Sample size: 20% of individuals according to the Register-based Population and Household Census (As of 2022, 11.62 million persons)
Survey Reference Period and Date
- January ~ December of the survey reference year
- Feb. 2023: Designed a sample of 20% of individuals based on the Register-based Census
- Sep. 2023: Established a plan to develop income mobility statistics
- Sep. 2023: Approved as national statistics
- Dec. 18, 2024: Disseminated income mobility statistics for the 2017-2022 period
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Press releases, KOSTAT website uploading (https://kostat.go.kr), KOSIS website uploading (https://kosis.kr)
Publication Frequency
- Annual
Publication Title
- Report on Income Mobility Statistics