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Press Releases

Rice Production in 2023

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2023-11-14
Attached File
□ The rice production recorded 3.702 million tons in 2023, which fell by 1.6% from 2022.

  ❍ Cultivated area: 727,054ha in 2022 → 708,012ha in 2023 (△2.6%)

  ❍ Rice production per 10a (the ratio of brown rice to white rice at 92.9%): 518kg in 2022 → 523kg in 2023 (1.0%)
  ❍ Rice production (the ratio of brown rice to white rice at 92.9%): 3.764 million tons in 2022 → 3.702 million tons in 2023 (△1.6%)

※ For more information, refer to the attached file.

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