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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Press Releases

Monthly Industrial Statistics, January 2024

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2024-03-04
Attached File
1. Production Trend □ The Index of All industry production in January increased by 0.4 percent from the previous month. □ The Index of All industry production in January increased by 7.3 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The Manufacturing Production Index in January decreased by 1.4 percent from the previous month but increased by 13.7 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The Manufacturing Shipment Index in January decreased by 5.6 percent from the previous month but increased by 9.6 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The Manufacturing Inventory Index in January increased by 0.4 percent from the previous month but decreased by 6.1 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The Production Capacity Index in January decreased by 1.4 from the previous month but increased by 1.5 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The Index of Capacity Utilization Rate in January increased by 0.2 percent from the previous month and 9.3 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The Manufacturing Average Capacity Utilization Rate in January marked 72.0 percent, which increased by 0.1 percentage points from the previous month. □ The Index of Services in January increased by 0.1 percent from the previous month and 4.4 percent from the same period of the previous year. 2. Consumption Trend □ The Retail Sales Index in January increased by 0.8 percent from the previous month but decreased by 3.4 percent from the same period of the previous year. 3. Investment Trend □ The Equipment Investment Index in January decreased by 5.6 percent from the previous month but increased by 4.1 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The Domestic Machinery Shipment Index in January increased by 13.1 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ The value of Domestic Machinery Orders Received in January decreased by 2.7 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ In January, the value of Construction Completed at constant prices increased by 12.4 percent from the previous month and 17.6 percent from the same period of the previous year. □ In January, the value of Construction Orders Received at current prices decreased by 53.6 percent from the same period of the previous year. 4. Composite Index of Business Indicators □ The Composite Coincident Index in January increased by 0.4 percent from the previous month. · The Cyclical Component of Composite Coincident Index, which reflects current economic situations, increased by 0.1 points from the previous month. □ The Composite Leading Index in January increased by 0.3 percent from the previous month. · The Cyclical Component of Composite Leading Index, which predicts the turning point in business cycle, showed no change from the previous month. For further information, please refer to the attached file.

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