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Preliminary Results of Birth and Death Statistics in 2022

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2023-02-22
Attached File
- In 2022, the number of live births was 249 thousand births, which fell by 11.5 thousand births (-4.4%) from 2021. - In 2022, the fertility rate showed a year-on-year decrease in the groups aged 34 or less. The fertility rate showed a year-on-year increase in the groups aged 35 or more. - Compared to 2021, the live births of the first child rose by 8 thousand births (5.5%). The live births of the second child declined by 15 thousand births (-16.8%). - In 2022, the number of deaths was 372.8 thousand deaths, which grew by 55.1 thousand deaths (17.4%) from 2021. - The number of deaths of people aged 80~89 showed the highest year-on-year increase rate, which was followed by those aged 90 or more and those aged 70~79. - In 2022, the natural increase (Birth - Death) recorded a negative figure of 123.8 thousand persons, which declined by 66.7 thousand persons from 2021. ※ For more information, refer to the attached file.

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