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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Press Releases

Household Projections by Province (2020~2050)

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2022-10-20
Attached File
- Over the period of 2020-2050, the number of households is projected to increase in 11 regions (excluding Seoul, Busan, Daegu, etc. from 17 regions). - As for the average household size, 15 regions (excluding Gyegonggi and Sejong from 17 regions) are projected to record below 2 persons in 2050. - In 2050, one-person households are projected to occupy the largest proportion of the total households in all 17 metropolitan cities and provinces. - Over the period of 2020-2050, in all 17 regions, the proportion of couple households is projected to increase, while that of couple households with children is projected to decrease. - In 2050, the proportion of elderly households with heads aged 65 or more is projected to exceed 50% in 10 regions including Jeonnam and Gyeongbuk. - In 2050, the proportion of female household heads is projected to exceed 30% in all 17 metropolitan cities and provinces. ※ For more information, refer to the attached file.

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