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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Press Releases

Population Prospects of Koreans and Foreigners based on the 2019 Population Projections: 2017~2040

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2020-10-15
Attached File
- In 2020, the total population* of South Korea was 51.78 million persons. The number of Koreans was 50.05 million persons, which occupied 96.7% of the total population. The number of foreigners was 1.73 million persons, which occupied 3.3% of the total population. - The share of Koreans of working age is projected to drop from 71.5% in 2020 to 55.6% in 2040. - The elderly Korean population aged 65 or more is projected to increase by over 2 times from 8.03 million persons in 2020 to 16.66 million persons in 2040. - The total dependency ratio is projected to increase from 39.8 persons in 2020 to 79.7 persons per 100 people of working age. - The population with migrant background* is projected to rise from 2.22 million persons in 2020 to 3.52 million persons in 2040. The share of the population with migrant background is projected to rise from 4.3% in 2020 to 6.9% in 2040. - Among the population with migrant background, the school-age population aged 6~21 is projected to increase by more than 1.8 times from 270 thousand persons in 2020 to 490 thousand persons in 2040. ※ For more information, refer to the attached file.

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