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Statistics Korea having MoU with the ADB

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2022-12-12

Statistics Korea having MoU with the ADB

- Building the groundwork for expanding its development cooperation activities in Asia-Pacific -



□ Commissioner Han, Hoon of Statistics Korea today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Managing Director General Um,Woochong of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the ADB headquarters in Manila, Philippines, aiming to establish statistical cooperation between the two institutions.


     * ADB is a multilateral development bank for the Asia and the Pacific region having been assisting its member countries for their economic and social advancement since its establishment in 1966. (68 member countries)


ㅇ Under the MoU, the two institutions agreed to work in collaboration in areas such as the development and enhancement of statistical capacities in the region, support for the use of administrative data for statistics, and technical assistance in data visualization.


□ Statistics Korea expects that this MoU with the ADB will provide momentum to expanding its Official Development Assistance (ODA) program for the development of statistics in the Asia-Pacific countries.


ㅇ It has, so far, developed the ODA projects upon receiving a request from countries, individually, which asked for Statistics Korea’s cooperation in international development. Hereafter, Statistics Korea will join forces with the ADB to jointly develop opportunities in Asia-Pacific and build statistical infrastructure in a systematic fashion.


ㅇ In the beginning, Statistics Korea and the ADB will focus on building administrative databases in the developing countries in Asia-Pacific to allow for their linkages with relevant survey data, and will further develop and provide administrative data management systems.


ㅇ Their collaborative projects will set off by targeting Mongolia, Maldives, and the Pacific Island Countries to build administrative data systems and organize activities to strengthen statistical capacities. The list of target countries will continue to grow into other countries in the region.


□ Last year, Statistics Korea made MoU with the Inter-American Development Bank aiming to strengthen statistical capacities in Latin America and the Caribbean, which was the first time it had MoU with an international financial institute. This year, it began implementing the international development cooperation activities for Colombia under this arrangement.


□ At the signing ceremony, Commissioner Han commended the signing of MoU with the ADB following the last year’s MoU with the IDB as “solid footsteps for Statistics Korea to engage with international organizations for the systematic implementation of its international development cooperation projects in the field of statistics.”


ㅇ Looking into the future, he added that “Statistics Korea will continue on and further expand statistical cooperation with the ADB to strengthen statistical capacities in the region in view of their achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”


□ Managing Director General Um reciprocated with his remarks saying “the ADB welcomes the signing of MoU with Statistics Korea that has been pioneering statistical production with the use of administrative data.”


ㅇ He added that “the ADB will work closely with Statistics Korea to improve statistical capacities in Asia-Pacific and further develop statistical indicators in economics and climate-related issues.”


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