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Statistics Korea co-organizing the Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing with the UN Population Fund

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2022-11-08
Statistics Korea co-organizing the Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing with the UN Population Fund
- To explore ‘demographic resilience’ for sublimating population decrease risks into an opportunity -

□ Statistics Korea (Commissioner Hoon Han) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) organized jointly the Global Symposium on Low Fertility and Population Ageing from November 8th to 10th at the Mondrian Hotel, Seoul, which was held under the theme of ‘building demographic resilience’.

□ The three-day symposium offered 7 session covering a wide ranging issues related to low fertility and population ageing, including those on human capital, population mobility, and gender inequality, which took the forms of topical presentations and policy discussions.

○ On its first day, in particular, the session titled ‘the roles of data to build demographic resilience featured the successful implementation of the latest Population and Housing Census in Korea as well as recent improvements and initiatives made by Statistics Korea in an effort to provide better North Korean statistics.

Commissioner Han delivering his opening remarks at the 6th Global Symposium

Speakers of the 6th Global Symposium in a photo session (Deputy Commissioner Yeonok Choi at the center in the front row)
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