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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Date of last update : 02/Jan/2024 updated

Real Sector

Real Sector Real Sector

Real Sector provides Data Category (and, if different,national description), Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy), Notes, Release(Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct.)

Data Category (and, if different,national description) Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy) Notes Release01
Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
National accounts(Q):GDP at current prices Dec/31/2023   5(Q2/24)     5(Q3/24)
National accounts(Q):GDP at chained 2015 prices Dec/31/2023     24(Q3/24)    
Production index (Industrial Production Index: IPI) Dec/31/2023   30(Aug/24) 31(Sep/24) 29(Oct/24) 30(Nov/24)
Forward-looking indicators (Leading Composite Index) Dec/31/2023   30(Aug/24) 31(Sep/24) 29(Oct/24) 30(Nov/24)
Forward-looking indicators (Composite Business Sentiment Index) Dec/31/2023   27(Sep/24) 24(Oct/24) 27(Nov/24) 27(Dec/24)
Labor market: Employment Dec/31/2023   11(Aug/24) 16(Sep/24) 13(Oct/24) 11(Nov/24)
Labor market: Unemployment Dec/31/2023   11(Aug/24) 16(Sep/24) 13(Oct/24) 11(Nov/24)
Labor market: Wages/Earnings Dec/31/2023   30(Jul/24) 31(Aug/24) 29(Sep/24) 31(Oct/24)
Price index: Consumer prices (Consumer Price Index) Dec/31/2023   3(Aug/24) 2(Sep/24) 5(Oct/24) 3, 31(Nov/24, Dec/24)
Price index: Producer prices (ProducerPrice Index[PPI]) Dec/31/2023   24(Aug/24) 22(Sep/24) 20(Oct/24) 20(Nov/24)

Fiscal Sector

Fiscal Sector

Fiscal Sector provides Data Category (and, if different,national description), Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy), Notes, Release(Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct.)

Data Category (and, if different,national description) Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy) Notes Release
Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
General government or public sector operations(Y)            
Central government operations     13(Jul/24) 15(Aug/24) 15(Sep/24)  
Central government debt     27(Q2/24)      

Financial Sector

Financial Sector

Financial Sector provides Data Category (and, if different,national description), Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy), Notes, Release(Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct.)

Data Category (and, if different,national description) Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy) Notes Release
Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Analytical accounts of the banking sector (Monetary Survey)     30(Aug/24) 31(Sep/24) 29(Oct/24) 31(Nov/24)
Analytical accounts of the central bank     13(Aug/24) 16(Sep/24) 14(Oct/24) 16(Nov/24)
Interest rates of loans of DMB (except loans to the holders of overdraft accounts, weighted average rates)     27(Aug/24) 31(Sep/24) 27(Oct/24) 27(Nov/24)
Financial Soundness Indicators(FSI)            
Stock market: Share price index(D) (Korea Composite Stock Market Index [KOSPI])            

External Sector

External Sector

External Sector provides Data Category (and, if different,national description), Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy), Notes, Release(Jul., Aug., Sep., Oct.)

Data Category (and, if different,national description) Date of last calendar release (mm/dd/yy) Notes Release
Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Balance of payments Dec/31/2023   6(Jul/24) 8(Aug/24) 7(Sep/24) 6(Oct/24)
International reserves (Official reserve assets) Dec/31/2023   4(Aug/24) 4(Sep/24) 5(Oct/24) 4(Nov/24)
International Reserves and Foreign Currency liquidity (Reserves template)new window Dec/31/2023   30(Aug/24) 31(Sep/24) 29(Oct/24) 31(Nov/24)
Merchandise trade Dec/31/2023   20(Aug/24) 21(Sep/24) 21(Oct/24) 20(Nov/24)
International Investment Position(Q) Dec/31/2023       20(Q3/24)  
Gross External Debt Position(Q) Dec/31/2023       20(Q3/24)  
Exchange rates(D) Dec/31/2023 02        
Population(Y) (Population Projections for Korea) Dec/31/2023 03        

Release dates can be specified as a specific date, a range of dates, or a no-later-than (NLT) date. The period (or date) to which data to be released relate is shown in parentheses.

  • 01Data which meet the requirements of the SDDS will be disseminated by the end of the transition period.
  • 02Not applicable. Daily data are disseminated each business day.
  • 03Not applicable.
Contact Director for International Cooperation. Tel : +82-42-481-2564
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