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Statistical Terms

Population commuting to work or school

  • Working on farms is considered as 'commuting to work' while working on field inside the fence of a house is considered 'not commuting to work'.
  • If the garage of cab or delivery van is located at the house of the drivers, they are considered 'not commuting to work‘.
  • If a place of business (store) is located at one's house, he or she is considered 'not commuting to work'.
  • If one is attending an academy such as prep-institutions and schools of technique, he or she is considered 'commuting to work'.
  • If a dormitory is located in a school or company, the students or employees are considered 'not commuting to work' while it is located outside a school or company, they are considered 'commuting to work'.
  • In the Population and Housing Census, the targets of the population commuting to work or school are those 12 or older.
  • A population commuting to work refers to those who regularly commute to work (workplace) located away from their residences while a population commuting to school refers to those who regularly commute to school (academy).
Source KOSTAT (Population and Housing Census and other)
너비 1640px 이상
너비 1639px - 1180px
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하