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Statistical Terms

Household by generation

  • Refers to classifying general houses into one generational household, two generational household, three generational household, four and more generational household, according to the head of the household and the relation of the family
  • Examples
    ­One generational household: married couple, married couple + their siblings, head of household + his/her sibling(s), etc.
    ­Two generational household: married couple+children, father+children, mother+children, married couple +parents, etc.
    ­Three generational household: married couple+child ren+parents, married couple+children+grandchildren, etc.
    ­Four and more generational household: married couple+children+grandchildren+parents, married couple+children+parents+grandparents, etc..
Source KOSTAT (Population and Housing Census and other)
너비 1640px 이상
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