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Press Releases

Results of the Farm and Fishery Household Economy Survey in 2022

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2023-05-18
Attached File
Ⅰ. Farm household economy □ In 2022, the average farm household income recorded 46.15 million won, which decreased by 1.61 million won (-3.4%) from 2021. □ The farm household expenditures marked 35.70 million won, rising by 200 thousand won (0.6%) from 2021. □ At the end of 2022, the average farm household assets recorded 616.47 million won, rising by 30.79 million won (5.3%) from the previous year. □ At the end of 2022, the average farm household liabilities recorded 35.02 million won, falling by 1.57 million won (-4.3%) from the previous year. Ⅱ. Fishery household economy □ In 2022, the average fishery household income marked 52.91 million won, which rose by 520 thousand won (1.0%) from 2021. □ The fishery household expenditures marked 32.12 million won, dropping by 8 thousand won (0.0%) from 2021. □ At the end of 2022, the average fishery household assets recorded 510.67 million won, rising by 8.81 million won (1.8%) from the previous year. □ At the end of 2022, the average fishery household liabilities recorded 59.78 million won, falling by 4.62 million won (-7.2%) from the previous year. ※ For more information, refer to the attached file.

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