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Press Releases

Preliminary Results of 2021 Parental Leave Statistics

  • Writeradmin
  • Date2022-12-21
Attached File
- The number of Koreans taking parental leave (based on the beginning date of parental leave) rose by 1.0% to 173,631 persons in 2021. - Parental leave users rose by 2.1 persons to 29.3 persons per 100 parents of live births in 2021. - Among the total parental leave entitlements of parents with children born in 2021, 25.6% of parents actually took parental leave, up 1.2%p from 2020. - Among parents with 1 child born in 2012, the largest share of mothers (81.9%) took parental leave when their child was less than 1 year old. In the meantime, the largest share of fathers (20.1%) took parental leave when their child was 7 years old in full. - Based on the date of child birth in 2021, employed mothers stood at 46.8% of the total mothers. This share went down by 9.3%p compared to that of employed mothers '360 days before the date of child birth'. - In 2020, maternity and paternity leave users increased by 14.2% from 2019. The number of maternity leave users showed a decrease, while that of paternity leave users showed an increase. ※ For more information, refer to the attached file.

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