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Press Releases



  • 184
    Consumer Price Index in June 2024
    • Date2024-07-02
    • Count627
  • 183
    Consumer Price Index in May 2024
    • Date2024-06-04
    • Count1702
  • 182
    Consumer Price Index in April 2024
    • Date2024-05-02
    • Count1271
  • 181
    Consumer Price Index in March 2024
    • Date2024-04-02
    • Count1382
  • 180
    Consumer Price Index in February 2024
    • Date2024-03-06
    • Count1720
  • 179
    Consumer Price Index in January 2024
    • Date2024-02-02
    • Count1855
  • 178
    Price Indices of Commodities Received and Paid by Farmers in 2023
    • Date2024-01-26
    • Count80
  • 177
    Consumer Price Index in December 2023
    • Date2023-12-29
    • Count1803
  • 176
    Consumer Price Index in November 2023
    • Date2023-12-05
    • Count2866
  • 175
    Consumer Price Index in October 2023
    • Date2023-11-02
    • Count1585
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Last
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