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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.


Social Statistics Bureau

The Social Statistics Bureau has 7 divisions and 1 team. The Bureau establishes & carries out basic plans for social statistics, produces & analyzes the Vital Statistics, plans & conducts the Economically Active Population Survey, plans & conducts the Household Income & Expenditure Survey, and plans & conducts agriculture and fishery surveys.

Short-Term Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Division

Short-Term Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Division

  • Tel : 82-42-481-2547
  • Fax : 82-42-481-6998
  • Location : Statistics Korea, Government Complex-Daejeon, 189 Cheongsa-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Main Responsibility

  • Planning and conducting the Livestock Statistics Survey
  • Planning and conducting the Fishery Production Survey
  • Planning and conducting the Survey on the Status of Fish Culture
  • Planning and conducting the Price Index of Commodities Received and Paid by Farmers
  • Planning and conducting the Agricultural and Livestock Production Cost Survey
  • Planning and conducting the Farm Household Economy Survey
  • Planning and conducting the Fishery Household Economy Survey
  • Planning and conducting the Food Grain Consumption Survey
  • Planning and conducting the Survey of Rice Price in Producing Area
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